About this site
The purpose of this site is to identify what the fan community believes to be King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard's best live performances of their songs.
How does the ranking system work?
Why is it missing my favorite song/performance?
I currently maintain the song data manually, which is a bit tedious.
Even if I easily could add every song and performance to the database, I don't think I'd want to. There are some songs (*cough* *cough* work this time) where lots of us have strong opinons about what the best performance is (*cough* *cough* work this time atlanta '24) and I want to make sure that people who take the time to vote end up spending that time on performances that we're all most interested in.
If there's a specific song or performance that you'd like included, nominate it for inclusion here or email me and I'll add it!