Minneapolis '24
Tuesday, September 3, 2024

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Gizz Tapes show notes
Audience member Joe did the vocal intro to Nuclear Fusion. Cellophane contained I'm In Your Mind, Am I In Heaven?, and Lord of Lightning teases. Mystery Jack was last played 2022-05-31. (138 show gap) Hypertension contained a Witchcraft tease. Ambrose did a short breakdance after his verse of Le Risque and said Raygun taught him everything he knows. The Grim Reaper contained Torture Chamber, Body Movin' and Intergalactic (Beastie Boys) quotes. Magenta Mountain was attempted but only a jam was played (Titled We're Doin' It Together on the Official Bootleg) because Joey's synth wasn't working. This Thing contained a The Land Before Timeland tease. The intro to Am I In Heaven? (which was not on the printed setlist) contained Lava and The Dripping Tap teases and the song itself contained a This Thing tease and a Hypertension jam with lyrics.
Poster By Job van Rijen
Standard: 600
Gold Foil: 200
Read more on Gizz TapesPoster By Job van Rijen
Standard: 600
Gold Foil: 200