Red Rocks '24
Sunday, September 8, 2024

Performances from this show with rankings
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Gizz Tapes show notes
This show featured the debut of Hog Calling Contest. The first The Bitter Boogie contained the drums from Muddy Water and Muddy Water teases. Muddy Water contained the drums from The Bitter Boogie and The Bitter Boogie teases. The Bitter Boogie Reprise also contained a Muddy Water tease. Elbow was last played 2018-11-23. (257 show gap) After The River, which contained a Lost Woods (Koji Kondo) tease, the band wished Jay Weinberg a happy birthday. Le Risque and Gila Monster featured Jay Weinberg on drums. During Le Risque, Cavs went into the audience for his vocal part and asked an audience member (Devin) to do the "Let's Ride" lyric. Stressin’ was last played 2022-06-01. (141 show gap) Chang'e contained Witchcraft quotes. Extinction contained Gondii quotes.
Poster by Jason Galea
Standard - 1000
Gold Foil - 300
Read more on Gizz TapesPoster by Jason Galea
Standard - 1000
Gold Foil - 300