Red Rocks '22
Monday, October 10, 2022

Performances from this show with rankings
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Listen to this show on Gizz Tapes or on Bandcamp:
Gizz Tapes show notes
An I In Heaven? was teased prior to Magenta Mountain. The intro to O.N.E. contained Straws in the Wind teases. The River contained Wah Wah teases and quotes throughout, as well as Crumbling Castle teases. The Land Before Timeland was played over the PA as the setbreak music, which incidentally served as the “debut” for the studio track. Rattlesnake contained teases and quotes from O.N.E., Automation, Honey, and Minimum Brain Size, and teases of Sleep Drifter. Honey contained teases of Sleep Drifter and Billabong Valley. The Reticent Raconteur through The Balrog featured Leah Senior (introduced as “The Balrog” and “the best singer”) providing the narration. Ambrose quoted “Happy Birthday, Lisa” (The Simpsons) while referencing Joey’s “Australian birthday” prior to The Grim Reaper. The Grim Reaper was then introduced as “some weird-ass Satanic rap”. Venusian 2 and Am I in Heaven? were on the printed setlist but were replaced with Planet B due to time constraints.
This show was released through the Official Bootlegger program as part of Live at Red Rocks ‘22.
Poster By Jason Galea
This is the first edition of this print
Read more on Gizz TapesThis show was released through the Official Bootlegger program as part of Live at Red Rocks ‘22.
Poster By Jason Galea
This is the first edition of this print